Online webinar Permission to Wonder
Aanstaande maandag 25 mei is de derde webinar van het Erasmus+ project Permission to Wonder, waaraan VTS Nederland heeft deelgenomen. Philip Yenawine is te gast. Hij zal een VTS gesprek leiden en in gesprek gaan met docenten die deelnamen aan het project. De voertaal van het project en de webinars is engels, vandaar dat de algemene aankondiging die hier onder volgt, in het engels is.
The Erasmus + Permission to Wonder Symposium was planned for 21 April 2020. It was a day aimed at reflecting upon the 3-year European Project supported by Erasmus + Permission to Wonder, which brought together educators from local arts and education communities in 6 European countries to train in and test the VTS (Visual Thinking Strategies) method to enhance learning.
Following the cancellation of the symposium due to Covid19, we have been exploring new ways of disseminating the experience and knowledge that has been gained and gathered over the past three years. We have decided, in the spirit of Permission to Wonder, to continue to wonder about our project together in the real and virtual world.
Join us every Monday between the 11 and 25 May 2020 at 5:30pm (GMT +1) for weekly presentations and discussions from and with our European partners. These live webinars will be hosted by Dublin City Arts Office.
Register here
For more information and to get involved, head over to our website
This event is organised by Dublin City Arts Office, Dublin City Council, the project lead of Erasmus+ 'Permission to Wonder', in collaboration with our Irish partner the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA); it will be facilitated in partnership with the European project partners.