Looking to Understand Inclusion
Adelijn van Huis en Caroline van Houten leggen uit dat Inclusie volgens hen zoiets is als het openen van een ‘can of worms’, complex en modderig.
Dublin City Council is de ‘lead partner’ van het Erasmus+ project Looking to Understand Inclusion, waar VTS Nederland aan mee doet. Dit is de aankondiging van het project:
Dublin City Council is happy to present the Erasmus + Project ‘Looking to Understand Inclusion’ for which it is lead partner, along with the National Council of Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA).
Check out the Looking to Understand Inclusion website at www.lookingtounderstand.com to learn more about the project.
Follow the project on Instagram too!
What is ‘Looking to Understand Inclusion’?
‘Looking to Understand Inclusion’ is a 2-year project funded through the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme. It aims to support educators from local arts and education communities to use the Visual Thinking Strategies method to promote social inclusion with children. Dublin City Arts Office and the NCCA (Ireland), The Finnish Museum of Photography (Finland), VTS Nederland (Netherlands), Muserum (Denmark) and CREA 360 (Spain) are the five partners in the project. The partnership in the project is a mix of organisations with teaching and art museum backgrounds.
Looking to Understand Inclusion was launched in November 2021, starting with its first training and partner meeting in Alicante, Spain on 15th to 19th November.